Tuckpointing In Pittsburgh, PA
The primary objective of tuckpointing is to give the impression that joints are in good condition, by using two contrasting color mortar in the joints between bricks. Before applying new joints, the old one has to be removed in order to provide a clean substrate. In most cases, even a well-built masonry wall requires tuckpointing repair every 15-20 years to keep it in good condition.
Wind and moisture are the major enemies of the mortar joints. These two factors can cause breaking up. The damaged mortar is washed out and deteriorates. Sometimes even bricks become loose and fall out of the wall, foundation, or chimney.
When mortar breaks down, so does its ability to repel moisture. As moisture infiltrates masonry, it begins to wear down the building’s stones and bricks, causing serious damage.
Our professionals are trained and skilled in tuckpointing. They can assist you with affordable and dependable craftsmanship.

Moisture Can Cause Major Damage That We Can Fix Perfectly By Tucking
Moisture leaks can lead to mold and mildew accumulating and cause building material to rot. This may lead to the loosening and even loss of stone or brick. Additional moisture will force masonry to expand and contract more than normally would as the temperature fluctuates.
Our hundreds of finished projects ensure our client that their tuckpointing project in the Pittsburgh area will be high quality. When you see a well-built brick wall or a chimney with perfect lining and symmetry, you should know that our professionals likely did the work. Solid tuckpointing shouldn’t crack or peel for many years after repair.
Our Team’s Tuckpointing Service Will Leave You Amazed
Tuckpointing is a very important part of the proper maintenance of the building. The more mortar you can place into joints the better and longer it will last.
Tuckpointing your buildings gives you many benefits, including making the structure watertight and even improves the look of the building.
At Pittsburgh Brick Repair, our team of experts stabilize and beautify your home or commercial structure by repairing, replacing brick, and tuckpointing without any disruption of your day, as we work at your convenience.
You can depend on us to provide excellent work at an affordable cost like no other can deliver. The building or structure will appear in better shape when you hire us.
On a side note, the freeze-thaw damage can damage your brick home or foundation. Save your masonry with tuckpointing before the winter chill. Contact us today for a free estimate and low-cost rates.
(412) 293-4106
Working Hours
Everyday 8am - 8pm